Womb and Fertility Massage in Queenstown
Nourish your fertility journey, prepare your body for conception!

Womb and fertility massage is a sacred and time-honoured therapy that reawaken the connection between woman’s heart, womb and inner wisdom creating space for deeper potential. It empowers women to connect to their authentic self and activate their own power and healing wisdom.
​Fertility Massage is a deep, gentle and non-invasive therapy designed to achieve and maintain homeostasis in the body which ultimately improves the function of the reproductive and digestive organs. It creates space and prepares your body to receive life. It is a beautiful holistic way to improve mind body and spirit for optimum wellbeing and improving your chances to become pregnant naturally.
This treatment includes different external techniques that focusses on the womb, abdominal and sacral area to realign and maintain the correct position of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes therefore optimizing hemodynamic, flow blood, nerve, lymph and ch’ulel (chi) to enable the body’s natural healing capacity.
Fertility massage treats women on every levels physically, spiritually and emotionally releasing any blockages that could affect the proper functions of the reproductive system. We all know that emotions are primarily processed and experienced in the brain, but there is evidence to suggest that they can also manifest and be store in the body, including organs fascia and muscles. Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds muscles, organs, and other structures and has been shown to play an important role in storing emotional trauma and tension. The womb is a muscle surrounded by fascia and ligaments where traumas and experiences have imprint whether they are good or bad. It is where we can store emotional events such as birth trauma, abortion, miscarriage, sexual trauma, childhood trauma, ancestral trauma, negative relationship etc. For some people those suppress, and store emotion can lead to fertility challenges and symptom that affects the reproductive function. This is why a holistic approach to address fertility challenges can make an enormous difference. Furthermore, the treatment gently addresses anxiety that may arise during your fertility journey giving you a sense power over your own health and wellbeing instead of feeling hopeless and giving all your hope into reproductive technology.
When looking at fertility treatment it is also very important to have a strong and healthy digestive system, if you are experiencing digestive difficulties your body might not be able to absorb important nutrients for proper hormonal function and healthy pregnancy.
Womb and Fertility Massage is for you if:
You are at the beginning of your fertility journey and want to improve your reproductive system overall health
You have been trying for a while and would like to try a natural alternative to improve your chance of being pregnant naturally
You have experienced recurrent miscarriages
You are planning on going through assisted reproductive technology such as IUI or IVF
Wanting to improve your egg quality before an egg retrieval or wanting to prepare and build a healthy uterine lining before embryo transfer
Regular womb and fertility massage sessions or regular self-care may provide many benefits for women reproductive health increasing their fertility. Here are some examples:
Rebalance reproductive hormones
Improve uterine position within the pelvic bowl
Improves endometrial lining health
Improves ovarian and eggs quality
Unblock fallopian tubes
Improve and increase fertile cervical fluid
Break up scar tissue and adhesion
Heal emotional blockages
Remove toxins and lymphatic congestion
Reduce inflammation
Optimize nerve sensitivity of reproductive system
Soothes the nervous system and reduce cortisol production
Contraindications to Womb and Fertility Massage
Five days prior to menstruation and while bleeding
After ovulation until menses has started for women who are actively trying to conceive (After menstruation has cease and before ovulation is the most favorable time)
First 6 weeks post normal vaginal birth or 3 months post caesarian birth
During active infection or acute infection
When cancer is present in the pelvic area or while undergoing chemotherapy
During the first trimester of pregnancy (20 weeks)
Immediately after an abdominal surgery
Any serious health conditions that cause you concerns​
What to expect during your appointment.
A comprehensive review of your past and present healthcare needs, focusing on reproductive and digestive health.
Instruction for self-care abdominal massage to enhance professional session and reviews on your self-care massage on follow-up appointment.
An optional Vaginal Steam. Please book accordingly.
Upper and lower abdominal massage
Back massage concentrating on lower back and sacrum including evaluation and application of soft bodywork to support pelvic alignment.
Possible recommendations of complementary modalities including: Faja (traditional lower abdominal support wrap), Yoni Steam and Castor oil pack.
Free follow-up phone call approx 1 week after your appointment to support your healing journey.
Additionnal information and disclamer
Please ensure that you have completed the intake form prior to your appointment to ensure that it is the best time for you during your moon cycle and to ensure that there is no contraindication in receiving an Abdominal treatment.
Please note that all herbs and oils used in my clinic are 100% organic and herbarized by me using the ancient Ayurvedic wisdom tradition.
Tul'ix therapies are provided as a complementary approach to improve overall health and well-being. Please note it is not intended to be a comprehensive substitute for conventional healthcare. If you have serious medical conditions, it is essential to consult with your healthcare provider first.
Tul'ix therapies support and enhance health and wellness and have been found to provide positive results compared to alternative treatments. Practitioners around the world have reported that these techniques have effectively alleviated various common health symptoms. Organ functions are supported and enhanced.